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Found 2186 results for any of the keywords petition for. Time 0.007 seconds.
Family of Green Card Holders (Permanent Residents) | USCISAs a Green Card holder (permanent resident), you may petition for certain family members to immigrate to the United States as permanent residents. You may petition for the following famil
Family of Refugees and Asylees | USCISIf you entered the United States as a refugee within the past 2 years or were granted asylee status within the past 2 years, you may petition for certain family members to obtain derivative refugee
Fort Lauderdale Dissolution Of Marriage AttorneyWe provide specific information about Florida's Petition for Dissolution of Marriage, as well as other documents necessary to start the divorce process.
Forms | Superior Court of California | County of OrangeForms The Superior Court of Orange County offers several options to assist the public in completing court forms:
Forms - LA CourtThe official language used for the content of the Los Angeles Superior Court public website is English. Google™ Translate is a free online language translation service that can translate text and web pages into different
Fee Schedule | Superior Court of California | County of Orange Orange County Public Fee Schedule
Family | USCISThis section of the website explains how you may petition for relatives (or future relatives such as a fiancé(e) or a prospective adopted child) to immigrate to the United States.
Family of U.S. Citizens | USCISThis page describes how you (a U.S. citizen) may petition for certain family members to receive either a Green Card, a fiancé(e) visa or a K-3/K-4 visa based on your relationsh
Expunge NJ | Expunge NJ: Law StatuteN.J.S.A. 2C:52-1 et pertained under
Takata Air Bag Recall Spotlight | NHTSACheck for Takata airbags safety recalls, get your airbag repaired and stay informed by signing up for airbag recall alerts.
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